A post by Kerry
It’s half past three on a hot, hot Sunday
The last day of May
The first weekend in weeks on end
That we have been granted the freedom to meet with one other household
Today we are visiting friends for tea in their garden
We leave in an hours time
That gives me an hour to do all the things I thought I would do today
But today
Like so many other of my covid19 days
I have done nothing very much
Mainly thinking about what I should do
Punctuated with cups of tea in the sun and Facebook trawling
Facebook seems to be my primary contact point to the outside world.
I can see what ‘friends’ are up to
Facebook presents me with news and petitions to sign during a time when I feel impotent
Today I’ve signed 2:
I am finding it hard to be active during this coronavirus pandemic lockdown time
Caught, off guard, and cast into this liminal space
A time betwixt and between
A time of not knowing quite what to do for the best
As the ground is ever shifting
And the future seems as uncertain now as it did nine weeks ago
Less certain, even
Planning seems futile
So simply being in the day feels like the best way to be
What I call the art of distraction
Although, I am hoping, that I can get a grip on this mental slip
And begin to re-route the art of distraction towards an art of action
Sometime soon

footnote - all amazon purchases have been returned.