Arturas Raila

If a linden or a similar tree (for instance a rowan) happens to be at a point where energy streams upwards from the Earth’s core, it will grow particularly well, and sometimes even sprout several tall trunks. The tree not only absorbs part of the energy, it also reflects it onto the surrounding environment, so that children, for instance, grow faster and become healthier. This kind of energy effect is called ‘feminine’ and the points themselves are called ‘linden points’. On the map they are marked with green.
The colour red marks the ‘oak points’. Oaks and other similar trees are particularly susceptible to the energy streams returning to Earth from the Universe. Oaks not only absorb part of this energy themselves, they also reflect it onto the surrounding environment. This energy effect is ‘masculine’; it strengthens will-power, endurance, stamina and other masculine qualities.
The ‘linden points’ and the ‘oak points’ are not equally powerful all over the Earth’s surface. The power is particularly strong where water reservoirs, geological fault lines or other anomalies are hidden deep down. At Allenheads the impact of technology is also tangible, particularly the empty disused mines. These and other factors have probably encouraged the growing of particularly tall trees in some locations, which are marked with circles on the map.
Allenheads is also characterised by the many ‘wounds’ inflicted on the landscape in the 18th and 19th centuries. When ore was extracted, large amounts of broken stone were discarded, containing traces of lead and other heavy metals that are particularly harmful to the living environment. There are plenty of crooked and sickly trees in such locations. Today almost all of these ‘wounds’ have been healed through the initiatives of clever people, and Allenheads is becoming an ever more harmonious and accommodating place.
If we aspire to a fuller and healthier life, we should refrain from building houses on the energy ‘walls’ and particularly at the points where they intersect. We should particularly avoid to sleep or do our daily work in such places. All these functions should be located inside the grids, in ‘calm’ places, so that we may avoid illness and other disturbances.
Britain is famous for its particularly powerful lay lines, which form enormous grids, and it is no coincidence that the Druids erected astronomical observatories or temples at their intersections. One such line also cuts through Allenheads, and is marked with a thicker line on the map. It is specially noteworthy that the intersection of these lines is located on a hill, named Curricks on the map. This is a place that radiates a particularly strong ‘linden’ energy and becomes a source of health and ‘motherly’ protection to the whole village and its surroundings.
Vaclovas Mikailionis

Here is an attempt at determining the geo-energy structure of Allenheads and its surroundings. We have sought to reveal this structure through bio-location and observations of local plant life.
Already the Druids knew that the Earth is ‘breathing’. It radiates streams of energy from its nucleus into the Universe, which at a certain distance are refracted back into the depths of the planet. Such points of active, heightened energy can be observed every 20 or 22 metres on the Earth’s surface. Because these two streams of energy go in different directions and are differently marked, part of the energy streams that rise upwards is captured by the downward streams. Therefore energy ‘lines’ of irregular rhomboid form appear on the Earth’s surface, and these are called grids. The shorter-term impact of both ‘lines’ and ‘points’ is practically impossible to sense. However, trees that grow in such places will eventually either grow much faster than other trees or, on the contrary, lag behind their neighbours or even die.